Thursday, June 25, 2009

A girl's gotta stay busy.

So I managed to over do it once again & pulled some muscles in my neck/shoulder area. A friend who is a doc stopped by on her way home to check on me just in case. She told me to alternate between a heat pack & an ice pack & to take it easy. Well duh. Although in my case a reminder is welcome. I forget to easily just how much I do every day because no one else seems to notice very often.

As a stay at home mom of an 8yo boy w/ adhd, & a 2yo girl who is exceptionally bright & creative but possibly slightly autistic, I stay pretty busy just being Mom. However I also make/sell wire/chain maille style jewelry , sew, write, sketch, and do pretty much anything else that needs to be done including removing mice, checking for robbers, baby sitting, and more for a family friends, & neighbors. Needless to say you'd think I'd pass out once I get the kiddos to bed every night. Instead my mind doesn't quit so neither do I. I figure if I'm going to be awake I might as well get stuff done.

Of course on top of all that I'm still expected to do almost all the house work, minus things like taking out the trash. *rolls eyes* Unfortunately I generally let those things slide a bit & give preference to my art but thankfully I have a very tolerant husband, lol. Not to say I don't put up with plenty from him too but thats another blog entry entirely, hehe.

My son & hubby both have adhd which has been a bit of a challenge but we're working on it. My daughter is so young none of the pediatricians will test her for anything yet. I however have been around children of all ages my whole life & can usually tell if a child has special needs. Its not hard to spot if you pay attention. In addition to all that I have a rare disorder of my own (you can ask about it if you want. I don't mind sharing.) It has been a challenge but it has prepared me for taking care of my own family & their special needs & for that I am thankful. However dealing with everyone's needs just adds more for me to do so if I ever seem a bit off or eccentric sorry but I've got a million things on the brain.

Esh. I'm babbling huh? Sorry. This is my first real blog entry & I'm not sure what to write atm. The next one will be more interesting. I just felt the need to explain in more than 140 characters how I hurt my shoulder, lol. ^_~

1 comment:

  1. Ow, I hate when I pull a muscle there! Hope it feels better soon.

    I didn't know you made jewelry! I just checked them out, they're lovely!!
