Sunday, January 10, 2010

Belated update & hobbies to the max!

Its been a while since I've blogged so this might be a little random but you wouldn't expect anything else from me right? Lol. I promise not to use this blog to complain about my husband's annoying habits, as in today's blog. I can't make promises about future ones. ^_~

I have a million things to say and yet am not sure where to begin, go figure. Usually the beginning is the easiest for me. The ending is what usually gives me problems. Honestly though I think it is because I tend to ramble and never really know when to stop. When I am writing a story it is because I tend to fall in love with my characters and hate to see their story end. I tend to leave certain things unresolved for leads into their next story. Most of my favorite stories to read are part of a series that is at least four to eight books or more long. As far as talking I don't mind when people talk forever. That is as long as they don't mind me replying with oh, yeah, uh huh, if I know they don't really want to talk with me. Usually when I do that I can tell the person just wants someone to listen not talk so I try to do so. On the other hand a long conversation with someone is totally different. I like those.

Last night for instance my husband and I were up until 4am partially due to my insomnia and both of us being unable to breath thanks to having colds. So we ended up putting in an anime to watch but never ended up pressing play. We talked, like really talked for the first time in a while. It was refreshing. We both got some of the things we've been stressing over out in the open, outlined our goals for this year, and talked about the future. While he does get on my nerves sometimes conversations like the one we had last night remind me of some of the millions of reasons we are so good together.

Since I blogged last my son turned 9, my daughter turned 3, and my husband decided to go back to school. When we first started dating , over 10 years ago, he tried to get into the Navy. He did the physical and took the asvab, the required skills/smarts test. His score was above average by quite a bit and he was offered a position in the nuclear technologies field. Then we screwed up and they found out he had asthma as a child. That officially got him a medical disqualification from any and all military service. He held a few regular jobs since then here and there but nothing paying more than minimum wage despite trying his hardest. We live in the capital city of our state so many people here have state jobs but if you aren't working in the capital itself you don't make much but the health insurance and other benefits are some of the best in the state. The unspoken rule is you are getting paid by the hour, not what you bring to it and anyone who did work hard was looked down on. My husband was brought up to always try his hardest and to do his best so naturally the work mentality of state jobs drove him mad.

His decision to go back to school came after he lost a job due to downsizing in his department. He was tired of working hard for nothing. We discussed a lot of different degrees, schools, and programs. He brought up the nuclear tech degree available from Linn State Tech College at one point when we were having lunch at my parents house. (we are a family that loves to talk during meals) My mom mentioned she knew a few people who work at the Callaway nuclear plant about an hour or so from where we live. He got a chance over the next few days to talk to those people and decided it might be something he could do. So he officially became a full time student. The second semester of the 2year degree program just started last week and so far so good even if the classes are a little stressful.

My job status through the years has never been consistent for one reason or another. I am a small person with medical lifting restrictions so I've had to avoid certain types of work. Temp jobs were good but always came to an end and never paid much. Sales is tough no matter how you cut it or what your selling. However that said I am currently selling, using, and loving Mary Kay. Several years back I learned how to make chain maille and chain maille inspired jewelry as a hobby but began selling it after several people offered to by pieces I had done. my jewelry My last year's new year's resolution was to get back to one of my favorite hobbies, sketching, and improve at it.

I'm happy to report I managed to succeed and have even sold a few of them. my sketches I also got back to another hobby (I have a million of them!) I love, writing. A few years ago I took a course at the University of Children's Literature and learned a lot. That year I got three parenting articles published in a local parenting magazine. A few weeks ago a friend asked me to take some photos of him. They turned out great and got lots of compliments. His own mother didn't recognize him at first, lol. So I posted some of the other photos I've taken and got compliments on those too. Several of my friends happened to be photographers or artists of one type or another and suggested I should consider becoming a professional photographer. To earn extra money between those projects I've done and do odd jobs including sewing, costume making, baby sitting, crocheting, cross stitch, embroidery, repair work, pest control (mostly mice but I did scare off a neighbor's ex one day, lol. ^_~) , snow and leaf removal, organizational therapy, and more.

On top of all that I 'stay home' with my 3yo, am a mom to her and my 9yo who has adhd, am a wife to a husband who has adhd, and an occasional owner of Beta fish. Needless to say I've forgotten what it means to be bored. Today for instance I started this blog around 11am or so after I had added an entire skein of yarn to an afghan I am working on. Its already 5pm but I've also done 3 loads of laundry (washed, folded, put away), 5 sinks full of dishes (washed, dried, put away), played Vsmile and My Little Ponies with my 3yo, helped my 9yo avoid frost bite (after he took his gloves to play in the snow), organizing some past projects, taking out 7 bags of trash, put my 3yo down for a nap, served 2 meals so far, and a few other miscellaneous things. If I blogged every day I'd get even 'less' done!

Gah! Another distraction just came in the mail. My 2008-2009 Fire Mountain Gems and Beads Jewelry Maker's Comprehensive Catalog. Its also dinner time. So for now I'm going to hop off and get dinner made and served. After everyone has been fed, entertained, bathed, and the kiddos put to bed I plan to multitask some more. I'll work on a story I'm writing, tweet on twitter, sit on facebook, and listen to whatever anime or movie my husband watches. Until next time, try to stay positive, don't forget to be willing to laugh, and try to have fun!

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